Jeanette Glose Partlow hosts three students from Notre Dame Prep for “WIN” shadow day at Maryland Chemical

Maryland Chemical and its President, Jeanette Glose Partlow, hosted an action-packed and fun-filled day for three Notre Dame Preparatory students for their annual “WIN” (Women-In) shadow day 2019.
Upon arrival, they learned a Safety Moment and then were given a presentation on Maryland Chemical by new Field Service Technician, Brian Manifee, followed by a comprehensive warehouse tour of the state of the art facilities.

Afterwards the young women walked to nearby Baltimore City Fire Department Special Operations Center and were hosted by Captain Richard Parker. They learned about dealing with hazardous materials and had a very “hands-on” visit until they left to go pick up a picnic lunch at nearby women-led and locally owned Paik’s Place. Here Jeanette made the most of explaining the importance of supporting small and locally owned small businesses in all shapes and sizes, all the while providing another example of a successful women-led enterprise.
“I wanted to share with the students that locally owned and small business is important. By providing them an overview of our company, a smaller enterprise and a larger one…they students hopefully gained a greater perspective on why buying local is such a game changer,” said Jeanette Glose Partlow, President.
The afternoon featured a trip to a Baltimore Harbor customer, Vane Brothers Marine Safety, for a one of a kind tugboat tour around the harbor, accompanied by Blaise Willing, Communications Manager and Jennifer Brown, Fleet Recruiter. After, they returned to Maryland Chemical for a recap of their day and a wrap-up.